Friday, 6 March 2015

Self Belief

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it"
(J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan)

It's been a jam packed few weeks since the release of my first illustrated children's book "The Day Jake Logan Robertson Ran out of Hugs" (written by A.Nicky Hjort). As the publishing company (Jetblack Publishing) is a relatively new and smaller publicity house much of the promotion and sale of the book comes back to the author and the illustrator letting the public know about it. I have spent as much time as possible over the last few weeks talking to people about the book face to face, through emails and on social media. I think when you are proud of the work you have done (and have spent so much time and energy on a project) it's easier to gather your own sense of pride and belief and tell as many people as possible about it!

I am trusting more and more in my dream to live off my art and to make not just my living as a creative but to make a GOOD living as a creative. It's a large leap of faith (and a challenging road to be an artist!), but the signs are all there that it is possible if I just keep working at it every day and back myself. I must say in following this path I am truly the happiest I have ever been. Backing myself means looking after myself. Speaking kindly to myself, eating healthy and delicious food, exercising regularly (I started jazz dance classes last month!) and continually working on my art and my creativity. I am filled with purpose on a day to day level. I think having purpose is one of the keys to having a full life. So is gratitude. The smallest blessings become more and more obvious. Gratitude is the measure of a rich heart and a joyous spirit.

After sending out some publicity emails I was contacted by a reporter from "The Weekly Review" - a Melbourne weekly full colour magazine. The writer - Sarah Harris - wrote up a lovely story of my creative journey.

"The Weekly Review" also has an online editorial. Which in terms of getting a story out there makes it easier to share around in this digital age! You can read the little feature here: Feature Article


  1. Oh Lou. This is lovely. I'm terribly afraid that I have forgotten how to fly but you got your wings back and maybe I can too x

    1. “When you have come to the edge Of all light that you know And are about to drop off into the darkness Of the unknown, Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or You will be taught to fly” (Patrick Overton). Hugs, love and light xox
